Injured worker

Original Work Related Injury Causes Other Consequesnces Which Are All Compensable Under Iowa Law

Pothitakis Law Firm assisted F.S. with an Iowa Workers' Compensation claim against one of the biggest retail businesses in the nation. The Claimant tripped and fell at work, and as a result sustained an injury to her right shoulder. The Claimant had to undergo several surgeries because of this injury. The Claimant was employed part-time by this Iowa employer. As well, she held a full-time position at a heavy manufacturing company. Because of the injury sustained at her part-time job with the retailer, the Claimant was unable to return to either job.Pothitakis Law Firm sought compensation because of the loss of two jobs as a result of this Iowa work-related injury. The Claimant was placed in an immobilizer for some time due to the Iowa work injury to her shoulder. The immobilizer caused her to remain in an awkward position which resulted in strain and stress on the Claimant's lower abdomen. Ultimately, she required extensive medical treatment for the abdomen injury incurred from the immobilizer. The claim for the abdomen was denied by the Iowa Work Comp insurance carrier. No reasonable offer of settlement for this Iowa injury was agreed upon, so the case proceeded to hearing. The case was heard in court before a Deputy Workers' Compensation Commissioner for the State of Iowa.  At hearing, the Deputy Workers' Compensation Commissioner ruled that both the shoulder injury and the abdomen claim were related to the original work injury, and therefore would be compensated. The Claimant was entitled to to a significant industrial disability, and all of the Claimant's medical bills would be paid by the Defendants.  This totaled an award of approximately $200,000.It is important for injured Iowa workers to know that under the Iowa Workers' Compensation Act, all consequences from the original injury are compensable.

Awarded: Approximately $200,000
