Des Moines Workers' Compensation Attorney
After a work accident, your family shouldn’t have to deal with the strain of your lost wages and medical bills. Speak with a Des Moines work accident attorney about your work comp benefits today.
Although we might try to avoid an on-the-job injury, accidents can happen any time. Unfortunately, you might be the one suffering for that accident. Now, you’re injured, unable to work, and the whole ordeal is putting a financial strain on both you and your family.
You’re in a difficult situation, but our attorneys at Pothitakis Law Firm can help. If you’re struggling to secure your workers’ comp or form an appeal after your claim was denied, reach out to a Des Moines work accident lawyer. We can focus on your claim while you focus on recovery.
Benefits After a Work Accident
When you’ve been injured at work, the aftermath can be expensive and lengthy. Fortunately, most Iowa workers should be eligible for certain benefits to help them recover from their accidents.
If you’ve been injured at work, you should be entitled to the following benefits:
- Medical Benefits – Whether you will need a brief doctor’s visit, or extended care and future surgeries, all medical care should be covered. If the expense was incurred during the course of your recovery, your work comp benefits should kick in to cover it.
- Partial Disability Benefits – If you’ve been injured but are able to return to work in some capacity, you should still receive a portion of these benefits. You’ll likely receive two-thirds of the difference between your original wages and the new light-duty position to make up for the change.
- Total Disability Benefits – In some cases, you might be completely unable to work. In this case, you’ll receive a percentage of your original wages until you can return to work or are able to retire.
The Work Comp Claims Process
The process for obtaining your work comp claim benefits isn’t always easy, but certain Iowa laws were enacted to streamline the process as much as possible.
First, you’ll need to notify your employer within 90 days of the accident. If you don’t act in time, you could be putting your compensation at risk. After you’ve filed an injury report with your employer, the process is out of your hands.
Your employer must file your claim with the insurer, who will assess your claim and send you a denial or approval letter with your benefits information. If your employer fails to notify the insurer, they could face serious consequences. An experienced work comp lawyer in Des Moines can answer any additional questions you have, or they can help you prepare an appeal if you have already been denied.
Combat a Denial with a Des Moines Work Accident Attorney
Unfortunately, you might already be looking at a work comp denial letter. A small mistake can leave you holding the full bill for your pain and suffering. That doesn’t mean you have to manage your claim alone.
Meet with a lawyer from the Pothitakis Law Firm, about your claim, starting with a free consultation. You have a right to appeal your claim, and a lawyer can give you the best chance to achieve a positive outcome.
When you need benefits following a work injury, reach out to a Des Moines work accident lawyer. Our attorneys can be reached by calling (319) 318-0450 or by completing the online form on this page.

Our Case Results
$1 Million Workers Slip and Fall
After hearing, the Deputy Workers’ Compensation Commissioner entered an award fully in favor of the Claimant finding him permanently and totally disabled. The Decision resulted in an award with the present value of in excess of $1 million. In addition, the Defendants were ordered to pay the Claimant’s medical expenses for the remainder of his life.
$450,000 Partial Commutation
In 2013, our client was a truck driver who was fatally injured in a tragic auto accident. He was married at the time and as a result his wife was entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. Those benefits would end upon her death or shortly after she were to remarry. The surviving spouse was finding it difficult to live on the weekly Workers’ Compensation benefits and for other reasons wanted to have the money paid in a lump sum.
Workers’ Comp Appeal Results in Settlement
Pothitakis Law Firm pursued this claim for in excess of three and a half years. Mr. Pothitakis conferenced with the claimant’s doctors and obtained reports over those years to put the claimant in the best position to obtain a favorable result at hearing. When the initial decision was inappropriate, Pothitakis Law Firm filed an appeal and was successful on that appeal.